
About this course

Released September 2020


These four modules aim to increase the confidence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners to educate patients about their asthma, their asthma medicines and devices, and how to support a person having an asthma flare-up.

These modules will help you to explain:

  • asthma to patients and be familiar with the signs and symptoms of asthma
  • the different medicines available and when it is appropriate to use these medicines
  • the correct techniques for various asthma inhalers and spacers
  • the signs of an asthma flare-up, what to do in the community and the need and elements of an asthma action plan.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module you should be able to:

Module 1 – What is asthma?

  • Identify the common symptoms of asthma
  • List common trigger factors for asthma
  • Describe strategies to avoid certain trigger factors

Module 2 – Asthma medicines

  • Discuss the difference between relievers and preventers for the management of asthma
  • Describe how relievers and preventers work to manage asthma
  • Explain to a patient how to use preventers (e.g. use daily even when feeling well, rinse mouth after using steroid preventers, do not use to treat an asthma flare-up)

Module 3 – Asthma devices

  • List the four key steps of the preferred technique for skill demonstration
  • Explain correct asthma medicine delivery device technique to a patient according to manufacturer instructions
  • List the correct order of steps required to use a spacer

Module 4 – Asthma management

  • Describe the need for an asthma action plan
  • Identify the signs that a person is experiencing an asthma flare-up
  • Understand the initial treatment in an acute asthma flare-up and know when and how to take further action

Endorsed by NAATSIWHP for 4 CPD hours

CPD accreditation

The National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners has endorsed the activity with 4 CPD hours.

Endorsement period: 16/03/2023 - 20/03/2025.